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   My education as a translator for the English and Russian language I received at the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. I complemented my course with studies at universities in England (Bath) and Russia (Moscow). I graduated in 1997 and since then have been an active certificated translator. Three years of my career I spent in St. Petersburg/Russia.


means the written conversion of a text into one or more target languages. Prerequisites for a successful translation are an excellent command of the foreign language as well as of the mother tongue, a profound general knowledge, and the readiness to familiarize quickly with a completely new subject. As a sworn translator with several years of experience I can assure you that I meet this high standard.

In the course of my career I have worked in the following fields:
  • economics
  • contracts / agreements
  • websites
  • temperature measurement
  • power plants and energy supply
  • theology
  • pedagogics
  • media

is the oral reproduction of a spoken text in another language. As a certificated translator I confine myself to interpreting negotiations, seminars, workshops and the like.

Language courses...

I teach English and Russian. I have teaching experience at home and abroad. As a matter of course I adapt to the needs of any class.

Interpreting at the publishing house "Rabotnitsa" in Moscow

Class at the ELCROS Theological Seminary / St. Petersburg

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